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The BarkCollar BT-7 No-Bark Trainer


Be a happy dog, not a yappy dog.

The BarkCollar is designed to change your dogs barking behavior. If your dog barks excessively, the BarkCollar delivers a vibration or a stimulation at a level that is just enough to distract your dog and break the barking cycle.

The BarkCollar has 7 adjustable settings from low to high plus a vibration option so you can select a setting appropriate for your dog. The vibration or stimulation gradually increases within the selected setting if the dog continues to bark. When the barking stops, the collar resets.

BarkCollar BT-7 Features

Progressive Levels: When your dog triggers the BarkCollar and continues to bark, the level of the vibration or stimulation (for that setting) gradually increases. When your dog stops barking, the BarkCollar resets to the lowest level for that setting.

Bark Forgiveness: When the barking begins, there is a brief delay before the collar activates. This helps differentiate "acceptable" from excessive barking

Bark Counter: Provides information about how often the collar activated. Helps you learn about your dog's barking behavior – even if you are not there to observe it.

Long-lasting Battery: The long-lasting, easy to recharge battery typically stays charged for several months.

Low Battery Indicator: Lets you know when it is time to recharge.

Lightweight, Waterproof: Because dogs will be dogs.

Click here for BarkCollar FAQ